Samia iqbal, Muhammad jamshed, Rashida Riaz
Purpose: The main objective of this study was to determine the dry eye disorder in vernal keratoconjuntivitis patients. Research Design and Method: This was a comparative cross sectional (analytical) study which included 95 patients. Samples size collected by randomized control method. Tear film breakup time was measured by schirmir test on slit lamp. Patients involved in the study was above 16 years to 22 years of age groups Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: The schirmer test was performed to assess dry eye in patients with vernal keratoconjuntivitis. Out of 95 patients were involved in study. Out of 95 patients 54(56.8%) were males and 41(43.1 %) were females. Out of 95 patients 43 (45.2%) people having age 16 to 18 years and 25(26.3%) have age 19 to 21 years old and remaining 27(28.4%) have age 22 to 24 years. out of 95 patients in right eye the 27(28.4%) have normal tear breakup time in right eye and 22(23.1%) have moderate tear breakup time and remaining 46(48.4%) have severe tear breakup time.out of 95 patients in left eye the 27(28.4%) have normal tear breakup time in right eye and 22(23.1%) have moderate tear breakup time and remaining 46(48.4%) have severe tear breakup time. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is risk of dry eye in Vernal keratoconjunctivitis patients it describes the vernal keratoconjunctivitis causes dry eye disorder.
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