Chaitra MC, Nandhini K
Optic disc pits are congenital excavations of the optic nerve head, develops as a result of incomplete closure of the embryonic fissure. CASE PRESENTATION: A 19 year old male patient presented with complaints of diminution of vision in right eye since 2 months. Visual acuity was 6/36p in right eye and 6/6 in left eye. On right eye fundus examination-an oval shaped excavation 1/5th size of disc diameter is present on the optic nerve head, edema present extending from the temporal margin of optic disc involving the entire macula. Left eye fundus normal. CONCLUSION: Whenever Central Serous Retinopathy case is examined, a careful examination of the optic disc is to be done to look for optic disc pit & its associated serous retinal detachment as the management in entirely different in both the conditions. As this condition will lead to poor visual outcome it not only indicates that the macular detachments require treatment, but that treatment should not be delayed.
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